The workshop will be held on June, 26th from 1pm to 5:30pm.
Welcome and Introduction of participants
Session 1: New TVX in hospital context
1:20-1:50 — Paper 1: Value Sensitive Design for Clinical Dashboard in Medical Context (Jinah Su, Jieun Han, Gyu Hyun Kwon, Imagine X lab, Hanyang University)
1:50-2:20 — Paper 2: New VR Experiences for the Personalization of Care in Psychiatry: the Example of ReViSTIM Project (Toinon Vigier, Yannick Prié, Florian Melki, Matthieu Perreira Da Silva, Fabien Picarougne, LS2N, University of Nantes; Samuel Bulteau, Sphere, INSERM; Olivier Charlet, Interpsy, University of Lorraine)
Session 2: New TVX and accessibility for visually impaired people
2:30-3:10 — Keynote 1: Accessibility Standards of TV and multimedia contents (Seongil Lee, Sungkyunkwan University)
3:10-3:50 — Keynote 2: Visual attention in TVX: the impact of retinal deficiencies (Patrick Le Callet, LS2N, University of Nantes)
4:00-4:30 — Industry Demo: Samsung Relumino Project – Smarter Vision for Partially Sighted People with Gear VR Headset (Junghoon Cho, Samsung Electronics)
Panel Discussion & Wrap-up